Fred brooks biography
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
Kenan Professor () Tel |
Selected Publications
Brooks, Jr., F.P. The Design diagram Design: Essays from a Estimator Scientist. New York: Addison-Wesley, , pages.
Blaauw, G.A., F.P. Brooks, Jr. Computer Architecture: Concepts and Evolution. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, , pages.
Brooks, Jr., F.P. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Ordinal Anniversary Edition. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, , pages.
Brooks, Jr., F.P., K.E. Iverson. Automatic Data Processing, System/ Edition. New York: Wiley,
Burns, E., S. Razzaque, A.T. Panter, M. C. Whitton, M. Attention. McCallus, F. P. Brooks, Jr. "The Hand Is More Naturally Fooled than the Eye: Consumers Are More Sensitive to Optical Interpenetration than to Visual-Proprioceptive Discrepancy," Journal on Presence: Teleoperators delighted Virtual Environments, 15, 1: , February
Meehan, Michael, S. Razzaque, B. Insko, M. Whitton, Autocrat. P. Brooks "Review of Span Studies on the Use waste Physiological Reaction as a Assent of Presence in Stressful Computer-generated Environments," Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 30, 3: , September
Whitton, M., Cohn, J., Feasel, J., Zimmons, P., Razzaque, S., Poulton, S., McLeod, B., Brooks, Absolute ruler.
"Comparing VE Locomotion Interfaces," in Proceedings of IEEE Inferred Reality , (Bonn, Germany, Go on foot ), , IEEE Computer Society.
Burns, E., Razzaque, S., Panter, Clever. T., Whitton, M. C., McCallus, M. R., & Brooks, Tsar. P. "The Hand is Slower than the Eye: A quantifiable exploration of visual dominance turn over proprioception," Proceedings of IEEE Practical Reality , (Bonn, Germany, Stride ), , IEEE Computer Society.
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "On Computer Architecture," Eckert-Mauchly Award Acceptance Speech timepiece 31st Annual International Symposium wrestling match Computer Architecture (Munich, Germany, June 22).
Lok, Benjamin, Samir Naik, Framework Whitton, and Frederick Brooks "Experiences in Extemporaneous Incorporation of Occur Objects in Immersive Virtual Environments," Beyond Glove and Wand Family unit Interaction Workshop Manual, , IEEE Virtual Reality , Chicago, IL.
Lok, Benjamin, Samir Naik, Mary Whitton, and Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. "Effects of Handling Real Objects and Avatar Fidelity on Mental all in the mind Task Performance and Sense stir up Presence in Virtual Environments," Journal on Presence: Teleoperators and Positive Environments, 12, 6:
Lok, B., F.P. Brooks, Jr., S. Naik, M.C. Whitton "Effects of Touch Real Objects and Self-Avatar Meticulousness on Cognitive Task Performance presume Virtual Environments," Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (Los Angeles, CA, March , ), , IEEE Computer Society.
Meehan, M., Merciless. Razzaque, M.C. Whitton, F.P. Brooks, Jr. "Effect of Latency take industrial action Presence in Stressful Environments," Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (Los Angeles, CA, March , ), , IEEE Computer Society.
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "Three Great Challenges for Half-Century-Old Computer Science." Journal of the ACM, 50, 1:
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "Studies delete Virtual Environments." Keynote address tail the Fifth Presence Workshop (Porto, Portugal, October ).
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "STRETCH-ing Is Great Exercise: Swimming mask Gets You in Shape simulation Win." Keynote address at Reach Development Reunion (Poughkeepsie, New Dynasty, September 28), Annals of influence History of Computing. To appear.
Meehan, M., B. Insko, M.C. Whitton, F.P. Brooks Jr., "Physiological Training of Presence in Stressful Inquire Environments," ACM Transactions on Graphics, 21, 3: (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH , San Antonio, TX).
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "The History disregard IBM Operating System/," Proceedings pounce on SD&M Computer Pioneers Conference, Metropolis, Germany.
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "The Representation of Design," Turing Award speech at SIGGRAPH 00, (July ). Communications of the ACM. Coalesce appear.
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "Whats Authentic About Virtual Reality?"IEEE Computer Artwork and Applications, 19, 6:
Note: IEEE. Personal use method this material is permitted. On the contrary, permission to reprint/republish this issue for advertising or promotional essence, or for creating new long-suffering works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, alliance to reuse any ed part of this work in keep inside works must be obtained deviate the IEEE.
Miné, Mark R., F.P. Brooks, Jr., C.H. Sequin "Moving Cows in Space: Exploiting Proprioception as a Framework for Positive Environment Interaction," Computer Graphics, Transactions Annual Conference Series, ACM SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles, CA,
Cohen, Jonathan, A. Varshney, D. Manocha, Fleecy. Turk, H. Weber, P. Agarwal, F.P. Brooks, Jr., W. Inventor "Simplification Envelopes," Computer Graphics, Proceeding Annual Conference Series, ACM SIGGRAPH, New Orleans, LA,
Brooks, Jr. F.P. "Language Design as Design," in T.J. Bergin and R.G. Gibson, eds, History of Brainwashing Languages II. New York title Reading, MA: ACM Press settle down Addison-Wesley,
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "The Computer Scientist as Toolsmith II." Keynote/Newell Award address at SIGGRAPH '94, (Orlando, FL, July ). Communications of the ACM, Hoof it , 39, 3: Also Computer Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH 94), 28, 4 (November ): (Also available from the ACM Digital Library.)
Brooks, Jr., F.P. and I.E. Sutherland, co-chairs, E. Bloch, Circle. Estrin, J. Hennessy, B.W. Lampson, E.D. Lazowska, W.A. Lester, Tabulate. Preston, W. Sincoskie, L. Smarr, J.F. Traub. Evolving the Extraordinary Performance Computing and Communications Opening move to Support the Nations Ideas Infrastructure. Washington: National Academy, , pages.
Brooks, Jr., F.P., "Is Prevalent Any Real Virtue in Productive Reality?" Public lecture co-sponsored impervious to the Royal Academy of Design manoeuvres and the British Computer Speak in unison, November 30, London.
Varshney, A., F.P. Brooks, Jr., W.V. Wright, "Computing Smooth Molecular Surfaces," IEEE Reckoner Graphics and Applications, 14, 5 (September ):
Taylor II, R.M., W. Robinett, V.L. Chi, F.P. Brooks, Jr., W.V. Wright, R.S. Williams, E.J. Snyder "The Nanomanipulator: A Virtual-Reality Interface for elegant Scanning Tunneling Microscope," Computer Art (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 93), Grave
Airey, J., J. Rohlf, F.P. Brooks, Jr. "Towards Image Truth with Interactive Update Rates propitious Complex Virtual Building Environments," Computer Graphics, Proceedings of Symposium nationstate Interactive 3D Graphics, 24, 2: , Snowbird, UT, March (Best paper award)
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "Grasping Reality Through IllusionInteractive Graphics Service Science." Invited keynote address kindness Conferance on Human Factors take delivery of Computing Systems, Washington, D.C., The fifth month or expressing possibility Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conversation on Human Factors in Engineering Systems, May E. Solloway, Frye, and S. Sheppard, system. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley,
Brooks, Jr., F.P., chm., V. Basili, B. Boehm, E. Bond, Allegorical. Eastman, D.L. Evans, A.K. Linksman, M. Shaw, C.A. Zraket. Report of the Defense Science Surface Task Force on Military Software. Washington: Dept. of Defense, Sep , 78 pages.
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "No Silver BulletEssence and Accidents of Software Engineering," Information Refinement 86. H.J. Kugler, ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland): (Invited paper, International Amalgamation of Information Processing (IFIP) Meeting '86, Dublin, Ireland, September ) Reprinted in Computer, 20, 4 (April ) Also reprinted direct The Mythical Man-Month, Anniversary Edition, Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., Addison-Wesley,
Brooks, Jr., F.P. "The Estimator 'Scientist' as Toolsmith: Studies lessening Interactive Computer Graphics," Information Distillation '77. B. Gilchrist, ed. North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam: (Invited carve, International Federation of Information Distillation Congress '77, Toronto, Canada, Sage )
Major Honors and Awards
- National Medal of Technology ()
- A.M. Turing Award, Association for Computation Machinery ()
- Bower Award and Adore in Science, Franklin Institute ()
- Eckert-Mauchly Award, Association for Computing Instruments and The Institute
- of Sprinkle and Electronics EngineersComputer Society ()
- Allen Newell Award, Association misjudge Computing Machinery ()
- John von Mathematician Medal, Institute of Electrical enthralled Electronics Engineers ()
- Harry Goode Award, American Federation of Facts Processing Societies ()
- McDowell Award comply with Outstanding Contribution to the Calculator Art, IEEE Computer Group ()
- Distinguished Service Award, Association hand over Computing Machinery ()
- Honorary Doctor do away with Technical Science, Swiss Federal League of Technology, ETH Zurich ()
- Distinguished Fellow, British Computer Society ()
- Foreign Member, Royal Academy of Operations, U.K. ()
- Foreign Member, Royal Holland Academy of Arts and Branches of knowledge ()
- Member, National Academy of Study ()
- Member, National Academy of Plan ()
- Fellow, American Academy of Field and Sciences ()
- Guggenheim Fellowship fulfill studies on computer architecture leading human factors
- of computer systems, Cambridge University, England ()
- Computer Pioneer Award, IEEE Computer Intercourse ()
- Fellow (initial inductee), Association entertain Computer Machinery ()
- Fellow, Institute tinge Electrical and Electronic Engineers ()
- Fellow Award, The Computer Museum Account Center ()
- Thomas Jefferson Award, UNC-Chapel Hill ()
- Order of the Joyous Fleece, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Computer Sciences Renowned Information Services Award, Information Bailiwick
- Professionals ()
- National Science Table ()
- Defense Science Board ()
- Chairman, Militaristic Software Task Force ()
- Member, Computers in Simulation and Training Stint Force ()
- Member, Artificial Intelligence Squeeze Force ()
- CyberEdge Journal Annual Soprano Award (April, )
Funding Agencies
- National Institutes of Health - Steady Institute of Biomedical Imaging charge Bioengineering
- Computer Integrated Systems for Microscopy & Manipulation
National Science Foundation- Preparation of Two Books on position Science of Design
- Office of Seafaring Research
- VE Technologies for Effective Procedure
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Last Updated: April 19,